• 滿月的輪廓是一個實時視頻的月亮升起在新西蘭惠靈頓維多利亞山觀景台。人們已經聚集在那裡這個夜晚得到盡可能最佳觀賞月亮升起。從2.1公里的城市的另一邊,我拍下的視頻。這件事情,我一直在想拍攝的很長一段時間,現在,很多規劃和失敗的嘗試已經發生。最後,在2013年1月28日月亮升起時,一切都落入到位,我得到了我的鏡頭。
    Full Moon Silhouettes is a real time video of the moon rising over the Mount Victoria Lookout in Wellington, New Zealand. People had gathered up there this night to get the best view possible of the moon rising. I captured the video from 2.1km away on the other side of the city. It's something that I've been wanting to photograph for a long time now, and a lot of planning and failed attempts had taken place. Finally, during moon rise on the 28th January 2013, everything fell into place and I got my footage.

    The video is as it came off the memory card and there has been no manipulation whatsoever. Technically it was quite a challenge to get the final result. I shot it on a Canon ID MkIV in video mode with a Canon EF 500mm f/4L and a Canon 2x extender II, giving me the equivalent focal length of 1300mm.

    Music - Tenderness by Dan Phillipson : http://premiumbeat.com/royalty_free_music/songs/tenderness



    風景名勝 | 5866 觀看 | 2013-09-22 | Kuann Hung 上傳
  • All Time-lapse sequences were taken by the astronauts onboard the International Space Station (ISS) (Thanks guys for making this available to the public for use!) All footage has been color graded, denoised, deflickered, slowed down and stabilized by myself. Clips were then complied and converted to 1080 HD at 24 frames/sec.

    Some interesting tidbits about the ISS. It orbits the planet about once every 90 mins and is about 350 Km/217 miles. The yellow/greenish line that you see over the earth is Airglow.

    Hope you all enjoy it and thanks for watching!

    P.S. It would be a dream to actually be up there in the ISS. Btw NASA, if you need a Biochemistry Ph.D to do some work for you up there, I’m your man, LOL!

    Music: "Manhatta" composed & performed by “The Cinematic Orchestra”


    All rights reserved to their respective owners.

    Edited by: Bruce W. Berry @ Website: http://www.bruce-wayne-photography.com

    Image Courtesy of the Image Science & Analysis Laboratory,

    NASA Johnson Space Center, The Gateway to Astronaut Photography of Earth





    Footage Note: The slower video represents a closer resemblance to the true speed of the International Space Station; this footage was shot at one frame per second. Clips are all marked with an *.

    Locations of Footage in the order they appear:

    1. A Jump over the Terminator

    2. Sarychev Volcano

    3. From Turkey to Iran*

    4. Hurricane Irene Hits the US

    5. Indian Ocean to Pacific Ocean Through the Cupola*

    6. Central Great Plains at Night*

    7. Aurora Borealis over the North Atlantic Ocean*

    8. Aurora Borealis from Central U.S.*

    9. Up the East Coast of North America*

    10. Myanmar to Malaysia*

    11. Western Europe to Central India

    12. Middle East to the South Pacific Ocean

    13. Aurora Borealis over Europe*

    14. City Lights over Middle East*

    15. European City Lights*

    16. Northwest coast of United States to Central South America at Night

    17. Moonglow over Canada and Northern U.S.*

    18. Stars from the Pacific Ocean (1)

    19. Stars from the Pacific Ocean (2)

    20. Stars from the Pacific Ocean (3)

    21. Stars and the Milky Way over the Atlantic*

    22. The Milky Way and Storms over Africa (1)

    23. The Milky Way and Storms over Africa (2)
    風景名勝 | 7910 觀看 | 2013-09-22 | Kuann Hung 上傳
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    With cutting-edge nanotech, Michael Pritchard's Lifesaver water-purification bottle could revolutionize water-delivery systems in disaster-stricken areas around the globe.
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  • 在 TED2013 的舞台上,Sugata Mitra 许下了他大胆的 TED 大奖愿望:帮助我构建云端学院,一个在印度的学习实验室,在那里孩子们可以——利用来源于网络的资源和指导——探索开拓和 互相借鉴。来听听他关于自主学习环境(SOLE)的鼓舞人心的愿景。并可在 tedprize.org.上了解更多。
    Educational researcher Sugata Mitra is the winner of the 2013 TED Prize. His wish: Build a School in the Cloud, where children can explore and learn from one another.
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