04:35, 9,125 觀看數, 2013-10-08, Kuann Hung 上傳
原始資料來自: http://vimeo.com/69445362
電影製片人Simon Christen  拍攝了一支名為「Adrift」的影片,雖然影片不過短短的四分鐘,卻耗費將近兩年的時間拍攝而成,辛苦程度不言可喻阿!

這兩年 Christen 每天都在早上五點起床,並且上網查詢詳細的氣象資訊,評估當天的天氣狀況適不適合拍攝,接著花上45
分鐘的車程,到 Marin Headlands 拍攝,如果幸運一點當天的天氣光線條件都不錯,那他就會試著多留一點時間取景,驚人的毅力讓人佩服。大概在 2010 年的時候 Christen 就曾經發表過一個名為「The Unseen Sea」的短片,也是靠著他強大的耐力拍攝而成,這些流動的雲霧真的就像大海一樣波濤,只不過軟綿綿像棉花糖的雲讓大海原有的危險感變成像是軟軟的流動棉花,看了真的好想躺上去滾一滾阿∼
Update: Thank you so much to all of you. I am humbled and a little bit overwhelmed with all your comments. I am trying to answer all the questions (please keep 'em coming) but would like to thank each of you for taking the time to write a comment. I am reading them all. THANK YOU.

Almost 3/4 of a million views and 10k likes in one week, I am floored. It truly makes me happy that my little film is able to connect with you and hopefully evokes the same feeling of happiness that I felt while shooting it.

Thank you also so much to everybody that has left me tip. You are too kind!


It has been almost 3 years since I released "The Unseen Sea" and I'm excited and proud to share with you my latest project "Adrift".

"Adrift" is a love letter to the fog of the San Francisco Bay Area. I chased it for over two years to capture the magical interaction between the soft mist, the ridges of the California coast and the iconic Golden Gate Bridge. This is where “Adrift” was born.

The weather conditions have to be just right for the fog to glide over the hills and under the bridge. I developed a system for trying to guess when to make the drive out to shoot, which involved checking the weather forecast, satellite images and webcams multiple times a day. For about 2 years, if the weather looked promising, I would set my alarm to 5am, recheck the webcams, and then set off on the 45-minute drive to the Marin Headlands.

I spent many mornings hiking in the dark to only find that the fog was too high, too low, or already gone by the time I got there. Luckily, once in a while the conditions would be perfect and I was able to capture something really special. Adrift is a collection of my favorite shots from these excursions into the ridges of the Marin Headlands.

I hope with my short film I am able to convey the feeling of happiness I felt while I experienced those stunning scenes.

I am so grateful to Jimmy LaValle, from the band “The Album Leaf”, for composing a custom score for Adrift. Jimmy's music is fantastically beautiful and captures the mood perfectly. Please check out his website. Thanks again Jimmy for your hard work.

I hope you enjoy the film and thank you for watching.

If you like this short film, please consider using the Tip Jar below, proceeds will go towards the next project...

Licensing: Adrift is copyrighted. All of my work is available for licensing under a rights-managed agreement. If you are interested in using any of my images and/or time lapse footage, please visit my website or contact me directly. Most of my clips are available up to 4K resolution! All of them support 2.8K and standard HD resolutions of 1080p/720p. Some of my favorite scenes in the film are also available as high resolution prints.

Visit my website at www.simonchristen.com

or follow me on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SimonChristenPhotography

or 500px: http://500px.com/SimonChristen

You can follow Jimmy LaValle's work here and get a free copy of the song: http://on.fb.me/1b6c6gy
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